Motherboard Water Damage: Can a Wet Motherboard Get Repaired



You may be a novice or advanced computer user. Thus, you may know that a motherboard is essential to a computer. It connects all its internal components and is needed for proper functioning.

We use our PCs like laptops daily. There’s a big risk of water spillage on the laptop during work. In such instances, water can enter the internal parts where the board lies.

Thus, the board can get wet with water, resulting in damage.

This article will explore vital aspects, such as why motherboards suffer from water damage. What are the symptoms of water-damaged motherboards?

Carry on reading as we delve into how to fix a wet motherboard. Lastly, we have included some FAQs to answer your questions about flooded motherboards.

Common Causes of Water Ingress to the Motherboard

You may inquire about whether a computer’s motherboard can get wet.

Like every gadget, our computers are also prone to water damage. It’s one of the most prevalent types of damage.

Well, the answer to the question mentioned above is also very significant. If water spills on your laptop’s keyboard, it may flow inside. The gaps within the keyboard keys will let the water flow inside.

It may eventually reach the board and cause partial or total damage. It depends on the amount of water spilt and where it has damaged the board.

Your computer may be turned off when the water spills. In this case, the chances of motherboard water damage are less. Drying it up or keeping it in dry conditions will protect the board from severe damage.

Your laptop may be turned on when the water spills. In that case, water may damage the laptop’s display and the board. In this case, the motherboard water damage will be more severe.

Go on reading to get further insight into this aspect of motherboard water damage.

Why Does Motherboard Get Damaged by Water Spill?

Like many people, you may also have this question. It’s about why the board got damaged owing to a water spill.

Here is the simple answer, specifically in terms of science. Water that gets in is contaminated, and it comprises electrolytes. So, when water gets in contact with the board, the liquid becomes an effective conductor.

Furthermore, as the board portions become wet, the electrons can’t pass through. Eventually, a large number of electrons suddenly pump out into the system.

Thus, the board and other computer circuitry get damaged due to short circuits.

Symptoms of Water-Damaged Motherboards

If water spills over on your PC, the device will begin to act strangely. You’ll experience some symptoms that hint that the board has suffered from water damage.

It’s crucial to know these symptoms to fix the water damage issue. These include:

1. The Computer Won’t Switch On

The water drops may cause the breaking up of the computer parts. As a result, the computer won’t switch on appropriately.

Even if the computer turns on, you may see its irregular functioning. It may result in the PC turning on and off automatically.

2. Sticky Keyboard Keys

One of the common symptoms of a water-spilled board is the sticky keyboard keys. When trying to type, you’ll feel that the computer’s keyboard feels watery or sticky.

It especially happens when you spill sugary liquids like juices on the keyboard. On the other hand, many laptop keyboards come with a protective covering. It prevents water from going into the vital parts of the computer.

Thus, if you spill some water on such a laptop, there’s no need to bother.

3. Water-detecting Stickers

Nowadays, many PC makers use artificial intelligence (AI) technology. It detects the existence of water on the computer’s vital parts. These PCs will then highlight a sticker that shows water detection on the monitor.

Some computers have a sticker that’s pre-activated. It changes color as soon as the water gets inside the board. Therefore, you can detect water damage to the computer’s circuit board.

4. Malfunctioning of the Computer

If the motherboard gets wet, your PC or laptop can malfunction weirdly.

You may see signs and symptoms like:

  • blurry display on the screen
  • sudden turning on and off of the device
  • sensing of current while using the charging laptop
  • battery not charging

What Should Be Done Right Away After the Water Has Spilled on the Motherboard?

If water has spilt on the motherboard, immediately turn off the computer’s switch. Then, cut the computer off from the power source. Unplug other devices like modems or speakers from the computer.

As a result, the water inside your computer will drain out. In this way, you can protect your PC from further water damage.

If you let the computer be connected to the power source, there can be more damage. It’s due to the electrical conductivity. By turning off the computer and unplugging it, you can prevent that conductivity. It can help to save the board from severe water damage.

How to Fix a Wet Motherboard?

To fix a wet motherboard, proceed as quickly as possible while being cautious. The following are the steps:

1. Turn PC Off

Turn it off as soon as you spill water on your PC or laptop. It will help protect the computer and the board and prevent electrical reactions.

Also, unplug it from any power source. While doing it, ensure your hands are not wet with water. It’s critical since a wet hand can give you electrical shocks.

2. Disconnect the Cables

Next, disconnect the cables attached to some components on your PC. It involves detaching the keyboard and mouse from the PC.

Make sure that you also unplug the speakers and modem to ensure safety.

3. Monitor the Components

Check on the external components. If you find any water spillage, dry it immediately using a microfiber cloth.

4. Dig into the Components

You should have your laptop’s manual. Follow the instructions mentioned in it to break down the parts and inspect the inside.

Note that for desktop computers, this process is comparatively easier than for a laptop. Just take out the casing’s screws with the support of a screwdriver.

Then, carefully notice the board and look for wet areas. If you find any areas, wipe the water with a clean and dry cloth.

5. Dry the Motherboard

You might have spilt sugary liquid like juice on the board. In such a case, use distilled water to remove the stickiness. Take a minimal amount of distilled water in a piece of microfibre cloth. Then, wipe out the components.

Don’t worry, as a small quantity of distilled water won’t harm the computer components.

Lastly, a hair dryer can be operated from a distance to dry up the board. Leave it as it is for a while, as it will eliminate the PC’s final dampness.

Assemble the PC back on, seeing that the board has dried up completely.

An Important Note

You may observe that it still shows damage signs even after drying the wet board. Or if you are unsure how to carry out the procedure due to inexperience.

It’s best to consult a certified technician or computer repair shop. They will be able to inspect the water damage and sort out the problem. It’ll help as your problem will be fixed with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a flooded motherboard be repaired?

A flooded motherboard can be repaired; it depends on the specific factors. In other words, the extent of damage can tell whether the board can be repaired.

A lot of water can be spilt when the PC is turned on. Thus, the repair chances are less. There can be less water spilt, and the PC can be turned off. Then, the repair chances are higher.

Thus, it depends on the quantity of water that was spilt. It also depends on how fast the PC was powered off, subject to spill.

2. Can I repair a flooded motherboard myself?

You can repair a flooded motherboard yourself. You must carefully identify the damage and dry the components, such as the board, as soon as possible.

You may not be sure whether your board can be repaired. Don’t take the risk if you can’t perform the drying process for any reason. Consult a certified computer repair technician or service center. They will assess the water damage on your device and recommend the best action.

3. How long does it take for a flooded motherboard to dry?

There’s no exact estimate for the time it takes to dry a flooded motherboard. But, it’s advisable to air dry it for about 24 hours or preferably 48 hours. You can quicken the process using tools like a warm fan or hair dryer.

4. How do I determine if a motherboard needs professional repair?

Even if you dry your wet PC motherboard, it may continue to show damage signs. Or you may not be able to repair the flooded board. Then, the best approach is to seek professional help and consult a technician. It’ll help you to identify and sort out the wet board issue.

5. How do I prevent water from getting into my motherboard?

Do the following to prevent water from getting into your motherboard:

  • Use a good quality case to house your computer. It helps to protect the computer’s components from external factors and elements.
  • Position the computer in an area where it’s less likely to encounter water. It could be away from windows or any place susceptible to spills.
  • Correctly manage computer’s cables. It’s to prevent water or other liquid from getting into the board.
  • Ensure your computer is kept in a low-humidity area to lessen condensation risk.

6. If the motherboard has been repaired, what should I pay attention to?

After a wet motherboard has been repaired, pay attention to the following:

  • Make sure that all the PC components are operating adequately. Test the system by running different apps. Also, check all ports.
  • Monitor the PC for any indication of instability, like system crashes.
  • Inspect the system’s components. Look for any residue that might have been missed during the board repair process.
  • Make regular data backups in case any problem comes up later.

7. What tools and materials do I need to repair the motherboard?

To repair a wet motherboard, you need the following tools and materials:

  • Clean and dry pieces of microfiber cloth
  • Distilled water
  • Hair dryer
  • Warm fan
  • Screwdriver
  • Laptop manual


You must have had ample knowledge about the motherboard water damage by now.

A motherboard can get wet with water, and it needs fixing. It includes the drying process.

We reiterate that your board may have suffered from water damage. Due to your inexperience, you can’t perform the drying process. As we said earlier, it’s best to seek professional help.